yuta iwamaとても迅速な対応で、条件通りの物件をご紹介していただきました!! ありがとうございました^ ^ (Translated by Google) They responded very quickly and introduced us to properties that met our criteria!...とても迅速な対応で、条件通りの物件をご紹介していただきました!!
ありがとうございました^ ^
(Translated by Google)
They responded very quickly and introduced us to properties that met our criteria! !
Thank you very much ^ ^ -
西山敢太対応がはやい!!! 何か問題があればすぐにかけつけ、 対応してくれます! 大満足です!! (Translated by Google) Quick response! ! ! If there is a problem, call us immediately, They will take care of ...対応がはやい!!!
(Translated by Google)
Quick response! ! !
If there is a problem, call us immediately,
They will take care of it for you!
I'm very satisfied! ! -
志村弘樹希望に沿った物件を紹介してもらいました。 (Translated by Google) We were introduced to properties that matched our wishes.希望に沿った物件を紹介してもらいました。
(Translated by Google)
We were introduced to properties that matched our wishes. -
takumi shoji
た社員の態度が悪い。 担当が居ないのは仕方ないにしても応対が悪い。借りなければよかった。もう少し真摯に対応すべき。 (Translated by Google) Employee's attitude is bad. Although it can't be helped that ...社員の態度が悪い。
(Translated by Google)
Employee's attitude is bad.
Although it can't be helped that there is no one in charge, the reception is poor. I shouldn't have rented it. We should respond a little more seriously. -
siroichan 2電話で問い合わせでしたが親切に詳しく教えてもらいました。 (Translated by Google) I contacted them over the phone and was kindly given detailed information.電話で問い合わせでしたが親切に詳しく教えてもらいました。
(Translated by Google)
I contacted them over the phone and was kindly given detailed information. -
黒瀧蘭とても親切な対応で、とても助かりました。ありがとうございました。 (Translated by Google) They were very kind and helpful. thank you very much.とても親切な対応で、とても助かりました。ありがとうございました。
(Translated by Google)
They were very kind and helpful. thank you very much. -
Kaori今後もお世話になりたいと思っています (Translated by Google) I hope to continue to take care of you in the future.今後もお世話になりたいと思っています
(Translated by Google)
I hope to continue to take care of you in the future. -
sora takeda
平木慎二とても親切でスムーズに手続きなどを済ませてくれました。 おかげで快適な生活ができています。 (Translated by Google) They were very kind and made the process go smoothly. Thanks to them, I am able to ...とても親切でスムーズに手続きなどを済ませてくれました。
(Translated by Google)
They were very kind and made the process go smoothly.
Thanks to them, I am able to live a comfortable life. -
・ω・まゆ“まゆ”はっきり言って信用出来ない。 入居時に畳は明らかに張り替えられていない状態だったのに、退去時は畳張り替え用の請求をしてきたが本当にするのか疑問。 居間と台所の境の引き戸の戸車も壊れていた事もあり、前...はっきり言って信用出来ない。
(Translated by Google)
Frankly speaking, I can't trust it.
It was clear that the tatami had not been replaced when I moved in, but when I moved out I was asked to pay for the tatami to be replaced, but I doubt whether they would actually do that.
The sliding door between the living room and kitchen was also broken, making it doubtful whether it was properly checked after the previous tenant moved out.
Shortly after I moved in, I was told that I would be visiting to check on the tenants and that I should submit a copy of my driver's license and vehicle inspection certificate, but they never showed up. I even think that they are being too selective and selling personal information. -
ssr dec内見の時の対応は良かったけどそこまで。おすすめしない。次は他の不動産をあたる。本当に頭にくる。 (Translated by Google) The response during the preview was good, but that's about it. Not recommended...内見の時の対応は良かったけどそこまで。おすすめしない。次は他の不動産をあたる。本当に頭にくる。
(Translated by Google)
The response during the preview was good, but that's about it. Not recommended. Next, we will look at other real estate. It really bothers me. -
ハクとチャチャ親切に細かく教えて頂きました。 (Translated by Google) He kindly explained everything in detail.親切に細かく教えて頂きました。
(Translated by Google)
He kindly explained everything in detail. -
テル不動産屋さんのエイブルの支店。 フランチャイズとかなのかな?日興管財ってのが要らないと思う。 (Translated by Google) A branch of real estate agent ABLE. Is it a franchise or something? I don't think...不動産屋さんのエイブルの支店。
(Translated by Google)
A branch of real estate agent ABLE.
Is it a franchise or something? I don't think Nikko Trust is necessary. -
株式会社あおい仙台ホームページ制作JP仕事ではお世話になりました。引き続きよろしくお願いいたします。 (Translated by Google) Thank you for your help at work. Thank you for your continued support.仕事ではお世話になりました。引き続きよろしくお願いいたします。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for your help at work. Thank you for your continued support. -
でふくーまん二度と使いません。店員の態度最悪です。 (Translated by Google) I will never use it again. The staff's attitude is the worst.二度と使いません。店員の態度最悪です。
(Translated by Google)
I will never use it again. The staff's attitude is the worst.